I am becoming aware of my carbon footprint, but treehuggers are stressing me out. Here’s where to start…

3 min readJun 17, 2021

Yes, we’ve watched the Sir David Attenborough documentaries. Yes, we got that reusable straw as a free gift with the box of cereal. Yes, I know my eco-friendly friend has told me for the umpteenth time about recycling but guess what Mike, China has stopped taking in the world’s plastics to be recycled, so suck it!

We can’t live a day without escaping every CSR representatives’ favourite buzzword, “Sustainability.” Coupled with the lockdowns the world has been going in and out of in the past year, people in the developed world have become increasingly tuned into the perennial issue of Climate Change. I for one, have been struggling in terms of becoming the green warrior I aspire to be, standing by my bicycle in my fully thrifted outfit, in front of my permaculture garden.

Don’t let that handsome vegan yogi stop you from feeling like you can make a difference. Allow the compound interest of time to do it’s magic.

Start small.

Be a lunchtime vegetarian

I used to this when I was in university. Food around campus wasn’t of great quality either way, which actually kickstarted the idea of going for the vegetarian options since the meat options always looked a bit dubious. For me, I looked at it as an easy way to do my part (or feel like I am). It even was good for my post-lunch sluggishness as without meat, I felt lighter and less susceptible to the Zzz’s. (Attach reason for why eating less meat is good for the environment). If chicken is too hard to give up, just give up beef. Baby steps.

It’s also a great way to add much-needed variety to your diet. (read: greens, mushrooms, quinoa, nuts, tofu, tomatoes, tempeh). Trust me, if you’re not eating meat you’re gonna be stuffing all kinds of things during lunch to feel satiated. Also, the food looks better. Just look at that.

Get smart plugs

I bought some smart plugs for the home, besides the added coolness of being able to give a sneak peek into life as a virgin in 3021 to friends and family, you could negate the effects of phantom energy

They’re easy to set up, wouldn’t require you to move from your home, and for me at least, they’re a cool feature to add to the home. Coupled with your preferred voice-activated smart assistant.

Pack a reusable bag

I always have a reusable tote bag in all my bags and the car (also don’t drive, oh no this is stressful). Just so that if I ever need one, it’s always on standby. My favourite is this one I got from this grocery store in Iceland, called Bonus. It’s mascot is this hot pink pig.

Yes, you may argue the effects of individuals stopping the use of single-use plastics is negligible and I agree! It’s greenwashing. However, it’s a start and I for one believe in the soft power of unified action. Plus, isn’t this bag just the cutest.

Hope these help, either in giving you new ideas or just making you feel better about yourself and your action (or current lack of action) in reducing your carbon footprint. Hey, life is a marathon, and I know all the news articles are saying that we’re already too late. But we gotta believe and start somewhere.


